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TweetDeck by Twitter


Version: 1.0.0
Last Updated:2013-09-21 13:36:15

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Release note

TweetDeck is a social media dashboard application for management of Twitter accounts.

Like other Twitter applications it interfaces with the Twitter API to allow users to send and receive tweets and view profiles. It was the most popular Twitter application with a 23% market share as of June 2009, following only the official Twitter website with 45.7% share for posting new status updates.

TweetDeck's interface consists of a series of customisable columns, which can be set up to display your Twitter timeline, mentions, direct messages, lists, trends, favorites, search results, hashtags, or all tweets by or to a single user. The client supports URL shortening which can be done on-the-fly. All columns can be filtered to include or exclude words or tweets from users. Tweets can be sent immediately or scheduled for later delivery.


TweetDeck é um aplicativo de mídias socais, que integra mensagens do Twitter. Como outros aplicativos de Twitter, sua interface é como a do Twitter API, que permite os usuários a enviar e receber tweets e ver perfis de usuários. 

É o mais popular aplicativo de Twitter, com 19% do mercado de compartilhamento em junho de 2009, segundo o site oficial do Twitter, e com 45.70% do compartilhamento para updates de status.

Os usuários podem dividir o programa em várias colunas que mostram coisas diferentes, por exemplo, os tweets de seus amigos. Ele também permite aos usuários dividir as pessoas que eles seguem em grupos, um recurso muito útil para muitos usuários.
  • 30270875 Version:1.0.0 2014-02-20 19:18:27 Reply

    The extension is great, but I have do log in every time I launch my browser. It's not saving my session :(

  • Ouro Version:1.0.0 2013-09-26 00:15:48 Reply

    Its good to have this extension if you use Tweeter. It's like the Chrome extension. I cant resize the window horizontaly...

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