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Save/Restore Input v1.0.1


Version: 1.0.1
Last Updated:2012-12-01 03:13:32

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Release note

Save and Restore entered text-input data with the click of a button.

Updated with icons in the menu.
  • Imageek11 Version:1.0.0 2012-12-01 03:43:55 Reply
    I hate that I have to give MYSELF a rating, which will obviously be biased (unfair), in order to make a comment: I just wanted to say one thing. I'm not sure why it put me as a number as the author, when I made this extension. I guess I'll re-upload. Just want to get credit. Then again, I changed my ...

    11018970 2012-12-01 02:57:37

    reply to 11018970: I wish that they'd also please up the limit for...characters. Wierd 'tis that it SAYS [#] words left, but it ACTUALLY counts CHARACTERS. Anyway, to finish up what I was saying: Please just know, that the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ratings, after I submit this one, will come that 4th one....are my own, so they are invalid. But the first one, was someone else, though I'm just GUESSING it was one. Could be any amount, but not that big probably since I just uploaded last night. Sorry.

  • 11018970 Version:1.0.0 2012-12-01 03:41:10 Reply
    I hate that I have to give MYSELF a rating, which will obviously be biased (unfair), in order to make a comment: I just wanted to say one thing. I'm not sure why it put me as a number as the author, when I made this extension. I guess I'll re-upload. Just want to get credit. Then again, I changed my ...

    11018970 2012-12-01 02:57:37

    reply to 11018970: Bloody crap. The stupid thing didn't put my username on there. It, AGAIN, put a number. What the ...crap. Gah, I *HATE* giving MYSELF ratings, it feels unfairly given...and indeed it is, but sadly until and if they change that system on the extensions site, I'm stuck giving myself a top rating. I just wish they could exempt the person who created the extension from having to do that. Or at least they could give an option to not rate with a comment. Crap limit. See next cmt

  • 11018970 Version:1.0.0 2012-12-01 02:57:37 Reply

    I hate that I have to give MYSELF a rating, which will obviously be biased (unfair), in order to make a comment: I just wanted to say one thing. I'm not sure why it put me as a number as the author, when I made this extension. I guess I'll re-upload. Just want to get credit. Then again, I changed my passport nickname a few times recently around from Imanerd to Imanerd11, to Imageek11, and so on, so it might have messed it up. Will be fixed.

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