Extension Center




Version: 1.2.4
Last Updated:2016-04-20 11:06:27

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Google Custom Search
  • A.S. Version:1.0.6 2015-05-20 15:00:44 Reply

    We talked about this extension on the old forum: old-forum.maxthon.com/thread-15585-1-1.html

  • 30855234 Version:1.0.6 2015-05-20 11:43:11 Reply

    Unninstalling Maxthon because of this.

  • IdioBen Version:1.0.6 2015-05-19 15:17:00 Reply

    Just so you know, your "Google Custom Search" is terrible. I get it, you want money. I think everybody here knows that now because the search from the URL field gives awful results and displays a page that's half ads. Not only that, there's no way to search for images, videos, or maps. Maxthon is no longer my default browser. Oh, and I've gotten around your custom search as well so you're losing search revenue now. The next stop for this browser is in the trash if it doesn't change.

  • Om3ga73 Version:1.0.6 2015-05-19 05:16:32 Reply

    Installed without notice or permission. Takes over the search engine for the address bar and overrides ad blocking for Google searches. UNABLE TO DISABLE OR UNINSTALL. Giving this the lowest possible rating. It's much easier for me to use the address bar to search than the search bar itself, and this is rendering it useless.

  • 20486860 Version:1.0.6 2015-05-16 18:04:58 Reply

    Ok, best of all; this one is forcing the search motor ! I've switched all default search engine for Bing: type a search, and Google custom search is appearing. Don't you now? Some big company have lost hudge law fighting with less than that.

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