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Mortgage calculator


Version: 1.0.0
Last Updated:2012-05-11 13:55:44

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Release note

This type of loan calculators to support commercial loans, provident fund loans, loan portfolio. Equal installments of principal and interest, calculated by reference to the equal principal two mortgage payments. In addition to the commonly used alternative interest rates, lending rates also support custom input.
You only need to select the method of repayment, fill in the loan amount and select the loan period can be calculated according to the current lending rates accumulated to pay interest, the cumulative total repayment. You can also view a detailed repayment information.
  • Shogun Version:1.0.0 2014-06-03 08:31:22 Reply

    Sorry Deosbaldo - the app is in Chinese not Japanese

  • Deosbaldo Version:1.0.0 2013-10-23 06:03:17 Reply

    Kmonnn, why is the app name in English but the software is full Japanese ??¿¿ Make it in English to have your downloads extended by 10 X !!!

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