Extension Center


4Later PRO


Version: 3.0.1
Last Updated:2013-06-28 23:44:38

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Release note

This also only works in Maxthon3

and it now has some changes such as different pocket bookmarklet so you can stay on the same page when you save, and the addition of bonzobox.

The only thing is that bonzobox, when selected, is blocked by Maxthon's popup blocker. Unblock manually to use that one.

Bonzobox popup-blocked problem fixed! Opens now in the same tab/page.
  • 11018970 Version:3.0.0 2013-04-01 08:18:39 Reply

    sorry forgot to write that: by clicking the toolbar icon, you open up a menu which has bookmarklet buttons to allow you to save for later reading to evernote, bonzobox, google bookmarks, and pocket.

  • 5114 Version:3.0.0 2013-03-31 00:43:12 Reply

    The release note never says what it does.

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