Extension Center


Unfriend Finder


Version: 41.970
Last Updated:2012-12-22 02:31:07

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Release note

Unfriend Finder is a realtime script that allows you to know wich one of your friends removed you on facebook. A locale database keeps record of your friendlist, and is compared at each refresh. Unfriends are people who were previously your friend but have either deactivated their account or have removed you from their friendlist. 
Unfriend Finder will tell you which friends have removed you, who has deactivated their accounts, people you have requested friendship with and who has declined your friend request. 
Unfriend Finder makes identifying unfriends easy by displaying a red counter in the menubar with the amount of unfriends you have. It also uses Facebook notification to alert you on these events.
  • warmth Version:41.970 2013-01-02 11:05:01 Reply


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