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Reload Failed images


Version: 0.0.6
Last Updated:2014-06-18 20:02:59

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Release note

When the page appears the picture failed to load, use the plugin fails to load the picture to be reloaded.
Note!!! Reload the plug does not already cached images.
  • 黑月的雨 Version:0.0.4 2013-07-09 23:55:38 Reply

    妹的,遨游呀,你要我怎么继续支持你,连破图都要插件= = 真不知道要怎么打分的好。

  • 极品ΦωΦ小猫 Version:0.0.4 2013-07-06 10:03:07 Reply
    reply to 极品ΦωΦ小猫: also I've already used that in the past. Sadly it's a hotlinking cracker, and it mostly supports Chinese hosters. I'm American. At least, in the earlier versions, it had only supported mainly Chinese hosters.

    Imanerd 2013-07-06 07:13:15

    回复 Imanerd: 你可以在论坛上反馈需要破解的防盗链网址. http://bbs.maxthon.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=759303

  • Imanerd Version:0.0.4 2013-07-06 07:16:31 Reply

    oh ok I understand what you're saying. Sorry had misunderstood. I'm using 0.0.3 actually. Maybe it was just a lucky instinct that had kept me from going to 0.0.4. Thank you for the info though.

  • Imanerd Version:0.0.4 2013-07-06 07:13:15 Reply
    回复 Imanerd: 0.0.1 in beta, but later found to have bugs, Later, the author of this plugin updated and provides better auto reload failures images, so stop updating. If you still need to auto-reload function, it is recommended to use this plugin. http://extension.maxthon.com/detail/index.php?view_ ...

    极品ΦωΦ小猫 2013-07-05 20:36:13

    reply to 极品ΦωΦ小猫: also I've already used that in the past. Sadly it's a hotlinking cracker, and it mostly supports Chinese hosters. I'm American. At least, in the earlier versions, it had only supported mainly Chinese hosters.

  • Imanerd Version:0.0.4 2013-07-06 07:11:36 Reply
    回复 Imanerd: 0.0.1 in beta, but later found to have bugs, Later, the author of this plugin updated and provides better auto reload failures images, so stop updating. If you still need to auto-reload function, it is recommended to use this plugin. http://extension.maxthon.com/detail/index.php?view_ ...

    极品ΦωΦ小猫 2013-07-05 20:36:13

    reply to 极品ΦωΦ小猫: ok. I like this one though, sorry.

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