Extension Center


Reload Failed images


Version: 0.0.6
Last Updated:2014-06-18 20:02:59

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Release note

When the page appears the picture failed to load, use the plugin fails to load the picture to be reloaded.
Note!!! Reload the plug does not already cached images.
  • 极品ΦωΦ小猫 Version:0.0.4 2013-07-05 20:36:13 Reply
    been using it since 0.0.1. Why was it deleted, before being re-uploaded? Just curious...

    Imanerd 2013-07-05 18:31:24

    回复 Imanerd: 0.0.1 in beta, but later found to have bugs, Later, the author of this plugin updated and provides better auto reload failures images, so stop updating. If you still need to auto-reload function, it is recommended to use this plugin. http://extension.maxthon.com/detail/index.php?view_id=1390 0.0.4 is no longer to run automatically, but manual operation. But failed to reload image different processing ways and 0.0.1.

  • Imanerd Version:0.0.4 2013-07-05 18:31:24 Reply

    been using it since 0.0.1. Why was it deleted, before being re-uploaded? Just curious...

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